In this disease the patient has a narrowing at the junction of Kidney and Ureter known as Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction (PUJO). This can be present since birth and presents usually in young adulthood. The PUJ obstruction damages the kidney and if left untreated may lead to a permanently damaged, non-functional kidney. This problem requires surgical management which can be performed by open surgery, laparoscopic or robot-assisted. The PUJ narrowing is corrected by dissecting the part of the ureter and renal pelvis with the obstruction; spatulating the ureter, and joining it to the renal pelvis. PUJ obstruction should be treated as soon as possible to save the kidney from further damage
This treatment option is rarely the procedure of choice and is only used when the affected kidney is non-functioning and the patient has symptoms. In olden days this surgery was performed by open surgery but now this is done laparoscopically. Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty and Nephrectomy are very demanding surgeries and requires great expertise, experience and should be performed by one of the best urologist in Delhi.