Female urology is a sub-specialty of urology and covers a group of conditions that are experienced by women. Increased frequency, Urgency and incontinence can be a symptom of overactive bladder and requires specialist care by a urologist. Leakage of urine after some surgery can be a serious problem and may requires detailed evaluation and reconstructive surgery. A urologist specialises in the treatment of these diseases and has a thorough knowledge of the female anatomy and diseases
Conditions commonly treated within female urology include: Urinary incontinence, Overactive Bladder, Pelvic prolapse, Pelvic floor problems, Urinary tract infections, Cystitis. Women should see a Urologist who specializes in female urological problems if they experience any of the following symptoms: Blood in their urine, abdominal or pelvic pain, Cloudy urine, a frequent urge to urinate, pain or a burning sensation while urinating, frequent urinary tract infections, Urinary leakage. Recurrent Urinary pain after relationship